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Meet our Volunteers:

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Become a Volunteer at Stroke Survivors Australia

Become a Volunteer at Stroke Survivors Australia

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Join Our Team of Dedicated Volunteers and Support Stroke Survivors

At Stroke Survivors Australia Incorporation, we rely on the passion and commitment of our volunteers to help us make a lasting impact in the lives of stroke survivors and their families. If you are looking for a rewarding experience where you can contribute your time, skills, and compassion, we invite you to join our volunteer program.

Why Volunteer with Stroke Survivors Australia?

  1. Make a Difference:
    As a volunteer, you have the opportunity to directly impact the lives of stroke survivors by providing support, companionship, and assistance in their journey of
     recovery. Your dedication and presence can bring hope and encouragement to those in need.

  2. Gain Experience:
    Volunteering with Stroke Survivors Australia allows you to develop new skills, enhance your communication abilities, and gain valuable experience in the healthcare and nonprofit sectors. It's an opportunity for personal growth and professional development.

  3. Build Relationships:
    By joining our volunteer community, you will have the chance to connect with like-minded individuals, build meaningful relationships, and become part of a supportive network. Together, we can create a positive and caring environment for stroke survivors and their families.

  4. Create Awareness:
    As a volunteer, you can help raise awareness about stroke prevention, early intervention, and the resources available to support stroke survivors. By spreading the word in your community, you play a vital role in educating others and making a broader impact.


Volunteer Opportunities

We offer various volunteer opportunities to suit your skills, interests, and availability:

  • Companionship and emotional support for stroke survivors

  • Supporting & hosting our online support groups

  • Assistance with rehabilitation programs

  • Supporting educational workshops and events

  • Administrative tasks and office support

  • Fundraising and community outreach

No matter your background or expertise, there is a place for you in our volunteer program.

Volunteer with Us

Which days are you available?

Thanks for applying to volunteer with us! We'll get back to you soon.

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