Aug 1, 20234 min

Rethinking the Role of Aspirin in Stroke Prevention: New Research Unveils Surprising Findings

For decades, the daily use of low-dose aspirin has been considered a reliable method for preventing strokes. Despite the associated risk of bleeding, the benefits were believed to outweigh the potential downsides.


However, ground-breaking research, led by the esteemed Monash University, has recently shed light on a surprising revelation: daily low-dose aspirin may not be effective in preventing strokes for relatively healthy individuals aged over 70. In fact, the study suggests that it might even increase the risk of brain bleeding after falls or other injuries.

If you are currently taking aspirin, it's essential not to panic and abruptly halt its usage. While it may not be effective for a specific age group, aspirin could still play a crucial role in treating individuals at high risk of stroke. Nevertheless, it is strongly advised to have a conversation with your doctor to explore alternative options that might better suit your individual health needs. As medical knowledge continues to evolve, it's vital to stay informed and work closely with healthcare professionals to make the best decisions for your well-being.

Aspirin is a well-known anti-platelet medication often referred to as a blood-thinner. Within the blood, platelets play a crucial role in clotting, preventing excessive bleeding whenever you sustain a cut or abrasion.

A stroke occurs when the brain is deprived of oxygen due to a burst or obstructed blood vessel. This obstruction can happen when platelets in the bloodstream aggregate to form a clot that becomes lodged in an artery.

Aspirin exerts its effects on platelets, making it a valuable tool in preventing clot formation that could potentially lead to a stroke.

However, this platelet action also comes with a downside, as it increases the likelihood of unwanted bleeding, often observed in the stomach. Additionally, in the event of another injury, such as a head trauma, aspirin can heighten the risk of bleeding further.

Apart from its role in stroke prevention, aspirin serves as a vital first aid treatment for individuals experiencing a heart attack.

New findings from the Aspirin in Reducing Events in the Elderly (ASPREE) trial, conducted jointly in Australia and the United States, have recently been published.

The study focused on investigating the potential benefits of daily low-dose aspirin (100 mg) for nearly 2,000 participants aged 70 years and older. These individuals had no history of heart disease or stroke, and their blood pressure and cholesterol levels were well managed.

Surprisingly, the results showed that when compared with a placebo, aspirin did not reduce or increase the risk of stroke. Both groups had similar rates of stroke occurrence, with 4.6% of those taking aspirin experiencing a stroke, and 4.7% of those on the placebo suffering the same outcome.

However, the research did uncover a statistically significant increase in non-stroke bleeding incidents in the brain for participants taking aspirin. For example, when participants experienced head injuries, the rate of bleeding in the brain was 1.1% for those on aspirin (108 participants) compared to 0.8% for those on the placebo (79 people). While this risk is relatively low, it is a matter of concern due to its potential seriousness.

These findings may not come as a complete surprise, as research published five years ago, using the same ASPREE trial data, revealed a comparable outcome: a higher incidence of bleeding among individuals taking low-dose aspirin in contrast to those on the placebo.

Nevertheless, despite this evidence, it is worth noting that aspirin remains a widely employed preventive measure for stroke, as acknowledged by the study authors.

The study has certain limitations that should be considered when interpreting the results. Firstly, the researchers primarily examined aspirin's effects in individuals of white European heritage. Therefore, the generalizability of the findings to people from diverse ethnic backgrounds remains uncertain. Genetics and ethnicity can significantly influence the efficacy and safety of certain medications.

Secondly, the clinical trial only included individuals who were not significantly at risk of a stroke and had no history of heart disease. Consequently, the results may not be applicable to populations at higher risk of stroke or those with underlying heart problems.

Moreover, the study did not encompass younger age groups, making it difficult to draw conclusions about the use of low-dose aspirin for stroke prevention in this demographic.

Lastly, there is a possibility that the potential benefits and risks of aspirin usage may differ for individuals with underlying heart conditions or a history of previous strokes, as they may be at a higher risk of experiencing another stroke.

If you are currently taking daily low-dose aspirin and have concerns regarding the recent study findings, it is crucial not to discontinue your medication without consulting your doctor or pharmacist first.

For individuals at high risk of stroke or those with a history of previous strokes, low-dose aspirin might still be the preferred treatment option, despite the slight risk of bleeding.

However, if you are at a heightened risk of bleeding due to factors such as advanced age, frailty, or an underlying medical condition, your doctor may consider adjusting your aspirin dosage. They might do this by adding dipyridamole to your treatment or prescribing an alternative medication like clopidogrel.

Remember, the best course of action is to have an open discussion with your healthcare provider, who can assess your individual situation and provide personalized advice on how to proceed with your aspirin regimen.

